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Understand your sleep

Scoutwell takes an individualized approach to finding your best sleep through cannabis. We combine our scientifically formulated edibles with guidance based on your feedback, helping you discover the sleep your body needs.

Take Scoutwell's 12-question baseline survey to get started
scoutwell products SLEEP3 HI RES 2.jpg
Take Scoutwell's 12-question baseline survey to get started

A better understanding
of yourself

Everyone’s response to cannabis is different. We give you the tools and support you need to find what works best for your body.

Take Scoutwell's 12-question baseline survey to get started

How we work
with you

Choose one of our scientifically-formulated cannabis edibles. The Scoutwell application identifies your specific formulation and batch with a simple scan.


We survey your sleep before and after using our edibles, tracking changes in formulations and dosage.


Scoutwell studies your data and provides you with analysis and advice. If you’ve experienced a positive change, Scoutwell helps identify why. If you should change formulations or dosage, Scoutwell helps you find a better solution.


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We’re moving cannabis
into the medicine cabinet

Scoutwell works with leading experts to help you find the right formulation, at the right dose, on the right schedule.

The science
of better sleep


Choose one of our scientifically formulated cannabis edibles. The secure Scoutwell application identifies your specific formulation and batch with a simple scan.


We survey your sleep before and after using our edibles, tracking changes in formulations and dosage.


Scoutwell studies your data and provides you with analysis and advice. If you’ve experienced a positive change, Scoutwell helps identify why. If you should change formulations or dosage, Scoutwell helps you find a better solution.

Find your formula

Carefully dosed,
thoughtfully designed

In addition to THC, Sleep/6+ contains a unique formula of botanically-derived terpenes hypothesized by pharmacologists to affect sleep. Moving beyond the “indica/sativa” binary, Sleep/6+ looks to explore new ground.

Sleep/6+Nightfall Terpene Blend

Sleep/3+CBN contains two active ingredients: THC and CBN. While THC has been shown to affect sleep onset, CBN may influence the sleep/wake cycle.


Clinical research suggests THC has benefits for sleep onset. For those who want to begin their exploration of cannabis sleep-aids, Sleep/3 contains a relatively low dose of THC.


From locally sourced honey to 100% fruit extracts, we make sure ingredients work for you rather than against you.  

Clean ingredients

The cannabis plant produces over 80 unique cannabinoids. We work with leading experts to find the best combination to help you achieve better sleep.


There isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to cannabis. Our edibles give you the option to start slowly, helping you find the minimum dose that generates the effect you’re looking for.

The right dose

Our mission is to
help people make good decisions
about their health.

Take Scoutwell's 12-question baseline survey to get started
Take Scoutwell's 12-question baseline survey to get started.

Take control of your sleep with Scoutwell.

Clinical-trial-grade sleep tracking with cannabis.

Take Scoutwell's 12-question baseline survey to get started

Take control

of your sleep

with Scoutwell

Clinical-trial-grade sleep
tracking with cannabis

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